I just had a week full of baking. Wow, and I had a lot of fun. Here's the catch: I don't really cook...matter of fact I don't remember the last time I actually cooked. My hubby is the chef here. He luuuuuuuvs to cook and he's pretty awesome at it too. Any hoo, I was invited to a recipe party and opted to bake my favorite cookies - chewy pecan supreme cookies.
Hubby even bought me a cute little handheld mixer :o) .
Here's the recipe:
1. __1-1/2 sticks of butter, softened
2. __1 c. sugar
3. __1 c. flour
4. __1 tsp. cinnamon
5. __1 egg, separated
6. __1 tsp. vanilla extract
7. __1 c. pecans, finely chopped
DIRECTIONS: With your electric mixer, cream butter until light. Add dry ingredients sifted together. Add egg yolk and vanilla, mix well. Spread in 18”x13” dish. Brush tops with egg whites, sprinkle liberally with pecans. Bake in 350 degree oven for 20-25 minutes until light brown. Cool, and then cut into desired shape.
I actually started out using my heart shaped cookie cutter, then realized that would waste too much of my yummy cookies. So, I used my handy pizza cutter to cut the big cookie into individual bars.
I actually started out using my heart shaped cookie cutter, then realized that would waste too much of my yummy cookies. So, I used my handy pizza cutter to cut the big cookie into individual bars.
A few days later I had a luncheon at work (yes, I work full-time) and I baked cupcakes. Now, this was fun because I'd been wanting to make cupcakes for a while. I chose to make the mini sized cupcakes (that way I could eat 2 and not feel bad...gotta hold on to this size 6 that I achived over the last few months, LoL).
These are butter pecan (made from the "cake in a box"). I added cream cheese icing and topped some with chopped pecans and others with candy butterflies. They were actually pretty yummy before I added the icing.
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Happy Crafting,