Page 1, lets have some fun! |
Instructions from hubby and details for each day of the birthday celebration. What to wear, what time to be ready, etc. |
We went on a zip-line tour. All I can say is WHAT A FUN ADVENTURE! |
Gift cards, gift cards and more gift cards. About $300 worth of fun packed into a plastic rectangle. |
Even got an upgrade for my cell phone and a birthday card to match. |
This is the cutest pop-up card! |
I got the new Nook Simple Touch Reader. I was able to purchase BEFORE they were available for sale to the public. It's my birthday, what did you think? |
We had apps, dinner and dessert at the elegant Canoe restaurant. Delicious! |
The menu is so long, so I scored it and made it a fold out. |
I had a few extras to add to the pocket, including my monkey sticker. |
Gotta preserve my memories and my Smash book, so I'm storing it in the plastic cover that accompanied the book. |

P.S. Check the blog hops tab (at the top of the page) to see where I've hopped today.