Packaged up and ready to go
I've just finished up a pretty BIG craft show and a few BIG sales. Whew! It was all worth it because the "little bitty" Positive Notes that I debuted on my blog a few weeks ago are a hit. So, I'm very excited. I only planned to take a handful to the show to know... just introduce them to see how the buyers would respond. Even my husband likes much so that he was the one that told me to double the amount that I took to sale. Thank God I listened to him because I only had 4 left at the end of the day (and I started out with a whole lot more than that). So, here's the BIG NEWS, they're now available on my site, The Scent of Heaven Candle Co. and they will also be available in a few local Christian bookstores pretty soon. This is GREAT NEWS to me. I don't think I've allowed it all to sink it just yet, but I am super-duper happy! :o) My dreams are becoming a reality!
Now, onto my reward: a much needed staycation.A little "Help"...on my staycation
So, while I'm enjoying my staycation, I decided to pick up a book and go far, far away on whatever journey the book takes me. I picked up Kathryn Stockett's, much talked about book, "The Help". I've been reading for about a week and it's good (to say the least). It's filled with the vivid, details that I crave while reading and I can't put it down. Has anyone else read this book yet?
Oh yeah, before I forget. Head over to "Under the Table and Dreaming" for Stephanie Lynn's Sunday Showcase Party.